Showers of Blessing



"I will cause the shower to come down in his season; there shall be showers of blessing." (Ezekiel 34:26).

    What is your season today? Are you experiencing a season of drought? If so then it is the season for showers. Are you going through a season of great heaviness with dark clouds? Then that too is the season for showers. "Your strength will equal your days" (Deut. 33:25). "I will send… showers of blessing." Notice that the word 'showers' is plural.

    God will send all kinds of blessings. And all His blessings go together like links in a golden chain. If He gives you saving grace, He will also give you comforting grace. God will send "showers of blessings." Look up today, you who are dried and withered plants. Open your leaves and flowers and receive God's heavenly watering. –Charles H. Spurgeon

Let but your heart become a valley low,
And God will rain on it till it will overflow.

    You, O Lord, can transform my thorn into a flower. And I do want my thorn transformed into a flower. Job received sunshine after the rain, but was the rain all wasted? Job wants to know, and I want to know, if the rain is related to the sunshine. Only You can tell me – Your cross can tell me. You have crowned Your sorrow. Let this be my crown, O Lord. I will only triumph in You once I have learned the radiance of the rain. –George Matheson

    The fruitful life seeks rain as well as sunshine.

The landscape, brown and dry beneath the sun,
Needs but the cloud to life it into life;
The dews may dampen the tree and flower,
But it requires the cloud-distilled shower
To bring rich greenness to the lifeless life.
Ah, how like this, the landscape of a life:
Dews of trial fall like incense, rich and sweet;
But meaning little in the crystal tray —
Like moths of night, dews lift at break of day
And fleeting impressions leave, like lips that meet.
But clouds of trials, bearing burdens rare,
Leave in the soul, a moisture settled deep:
Life stirs by the powerful law of God;
And where before the thirsty camel trod,
There richest beauties to life's landscape leap.
Then read you in each cloud that comes to you
The words of Paul, in letters large and clear:
So will those clouds your soul with blessing feed,
And with a constant trust as you do read,
All things together work for good. Fret not, nor fear!

~ from Streams in the Desert by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman, January 8th, 1925


LIfe is a Mixture of Sunshine and Rain

Life is a mixture
of sunshine and rain,

Laughter and teardrops,
pleasure and pain –

Low tides and high tides,
mountains and plains,

Triumphs, defeats
and losses and gains-

But always in all ways
God's guiding and leading

And He alone knows
the things we're most needing –

And when He sends sorrow
or some dreaded affliction,

Be assured that it comes
with God's kind benediction –

And if we accept it
as a gift of his love,

We'll be showered with blessings
from our Father abive.

– Helen Steiner Rice

"The greatest truths are always the ones most loosly held."
Natural Law: Biogenesis, from Helpful Thoughts by Henry Drummond, 1880